Why did ten young people wake up one morning and convene at a Central London Hospital to take part in a suicide pact? What possessed them to do this? What possessed them to drink a concoction of stolen hospital drugs mixed with chemicals, the mixture so strong that it dissolved their innards in minutes? They died in so much pain - their dead faces were literally gargoyle in agony as blood oozed out of their orifices.
When it is discovered that this is possibly the first of many suicide pacts scheduled to take place the TTS taskforce and the police find themselves in a race against time to break the code and find the locations of other suicide pacts before more people die!
Anna Lee Lewis, Co-Founder of the organisation, Talk To Someone (TTS) says:
“I hear dead people who have killed themselves and the one thing I hear in their voices and words is regret! I’m not here for the dead, they’re gone. I’m here to tell the living not to commit suicide, not to end up dead . . . and full of regret! Death is final! No matter what you’re going through, no matter how bad you might feel right now, hear me when I say this . . . things can get better . . . talk to someone!”
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