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The Past Love: A MacLeod Time-Travel Rom Com (Book 2)

From: J.G. MacLeod


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Is the future predetermined? Or do our choices and actions shape the events that come to pass?


"I’ve reached the bar, so I zero in on the bartender as he pours beer into glasses. “Excuse me,” I begin, but he shakes his head before I can say anything else.

“Tha mi a ’fàs mì-fhoighidneach[1],” the blond guy says from beside me. I fight the urge to roll my eyes.

“Look,” I say, glancing at his angry face, “I don’t know what you want, but I’m not interested; I’m just here to get directions. I need to find someone who speaks English…”

The man’s face turns scarlet. “Ah am feckin’ spikin’ Sasannach![2]”

A loud guffaw to our left draws both our attention. The tall man in the cloak and faded, blue-and-green kilt has left his spot by the fire to watch the exchange from a foot away. At this close distance, I’m struck by how handsome he is; he has dark hair and a strong jawline covered by an attractive goatee, but that’s not what has me staring shamelessly. His eyes are the most brilliant shade of blue I’ve ever seen – like peacock feathers on full display! I try to look away, but I’m completely mesmerized by his amused face. “Now, now, nae need tae take yer lack o’ practice out on the young lassie.” His gorgeous eyes flit back to mine momentarily, before settling on the burly man again."

[1] I’m getting impatient.

[2] English

Brigid MacDonald is a coffee barista with a black belt who’s been transported from 2019 to 15th-century Glasgow, one year earlier than her first adventure in The Future Bride.

Time is decidedly ‘out of joint’: Ferghus hasn’t been scarred by Tristen; Nyle hasn’t thrown his disastrous party; and Brigid hasn’t taken a life – yet. Linear reality no longer exists, but nor is this a simple time loop or case of déjà vu. As the mystery slowly unfolds, the characters must choose to work together, or against one another, to resolve their clan feuds and repair their broken hearts.

Accompany Brigid on another epic adventure through the Highlands of medieval Scotland. Beware the corsets that bind; the gin that confounds; and the men who ensnare in this lighthearted, romantic comedy with slow-burn romance, karate action, and heart-pounding suspense.

If you’re careful, there may even be time for The Past Love.

The Past Love can be read as a stand-alone novel, but much of the humour is enhanced by reading The Future Bride first.
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