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Haunted Lambeth

From: James Clark


Category: History

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Ghost stories and legends from the London Borough of Lambeth (covers Brixton, Clapham, North Lambeth, Norwood, Stockwell & Streatham)

Haunted Lambeth is a collection of real-life stories of apparitions and poltergeists from all across the London Borough of Lambeth.

Included are the ghost stories of Lambeth Palace, the terrifying tradition of the 'Tomb of the Tradescants', a ghost at The Old Vic Theatre, the dream house that haunted the entertainer Roy Hudd, supernatural echoes of Waterloo's Necropolis Railway, and the ghosts of Ruth Ellis and others at Streatham's Caesar’s Nightclub.

These stories have been collected and researched over many years, and come from a variety of sources including original newspaper articles, books and, as often as possible, personal communication with people directly involved.

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