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Exercise Your Way to a Happy Hysterectomy and Beyond



Category: Health

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Exercise Your Way to a Happy Hysterectomy (and Beyond) is a wonderful resource for any woman about to undergo the surgery. Written by Nancy Golinski, an ACE certified personal trainer and college professor, the book is divided into four sections:
* Before - simple things to help prepare, both mentally and physically, for the big event
* During - what you can expect in the hospital and gentle moves to do there
* After - things to do at home to help your body heal
* And Beyond - all the problems you may encounter down the road and how to address them

The book focuses on exercise and includes over 60 moves with easy-to-follow instructions and photos. Other topics include stress reduction, pain management, nutrition, and how to stay motivated. This is a must-read for any woman who wants to take charge of her health and have a positive hysterectomy experience.

Please note: This book is for beginning exercisers who don't know much about fitness. It is not intended for experienced exercisers

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