M. Rose Peluso's Webpage

I'm a former Catholic Religious Sister (Nun), Educator and Graphic Artist. “Behind the Tapestry” is my debut book. My poem entitled, “The Meaning of Friendship” was featured in Sparrowgrass Poetry Forum’s Poetic Voices of America Anthology, Summer 1991. I earned a B.F.A. from William Paterson University in NJ, a Master’s Degree in Pastoral/Spiritual Theology from a seminary outside of Philadelphia. In 2013, I became a Certified Christian Life Coach.

I have been a chronic pain sufferer for 23 years. The rare, debilitating, intractable condition I suffer from is known as Pudendal Neuropathy. I have written this memoir in hopes of helping other chronic pain sufferers. This is God’s story as much as it is mine. Another desire is that the book encourages others in their own personal relationships with the Lord Jesus Christ. And through my story, a reader will be able to see herself or himself and come to know in a more profound way, God's incredible love for them.

I recently moved closer to the Jersey Shore where I share a home with my elderly mother and pet lovebird.

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Visit Author's Website: http://authormrosepeluso.com

Books by M. Rose Peluso