Mbizo Chirasha's Webpage

2019 SotambeFestival Live Literature Hub/Word Fringe Curator (Kitwe, Zambia). 2015 Artist in Residence at Shungunamutitima Film and Arts Festival (Livingstone, Zambia). 2011 International Poetry Day Guest Reading (USA Embassy Cultural Events, Harare). 2003 Young Writers Delegate to the GoterborgIntermatinal Book Fair (Sida Diplomatic Luncheon, Swedish Writers Union, Sida Africa Pavilion and Nordic African Institute, Sweden). 2009 Poet in Residence of International African Culture and Development,ICACD( Accra, Ghana). 2009 Writer/Publisher Fellow to the Inaugural UNESCO Photo Novel Intensive Training (Tanzania) 2007 Special Poetry Artist of Zimbabwe Travel Expo (Tourism Authority, Zimbabwe).2006 United Nations Day Poet (Tribute to Kofi Annan, UN Mission Zimbabwe).
Author of a Letter to the President (Zimbabwe) Co-Author of Metaphors of the Rainbow (Malawi). Co-Author of Whispering Woes of Ganges and Zambezi (India, USA). Co-Editor of SecondNameofEarthisPEACE (WorldBeyondWar.org, USA)

Total Book Tweets for Mbizo Chirasha is 2831

Books by Mbizo Chirasha