The Silver Elves's Webpage

The Silver Elves are a family of elves who have been living and sharing the Elven Way since 1975. The Elven Way is the spiritual Path of the Elves. It is not a religion. While all elves are free to pursue whatever spiritual path they desire, or not as the case may be, these elves are magicians and follow no particular religious dogma. The Silver Elves do however believe in all the Gods and Goddesses, (also Santa Claus to whom they're related, the tooth fairy as a distant cousin, and the Easter or Ostara Bunny, no relation.) and they try to treat them all with due respect. The Elven Way promotes the principles of Fairness, that is to say both Justice, Elegance and Equal Opportunity and Courtesy that is respectful in its interactions and attitude toward all beings, great or small. The Silver Elves understand the world as a magical or miraculous phenomena, and that all beings, by pursuing their own true path, will become whomever they truly desire to be. The path of the Silver Elves is that of Love and Magic and they share their way with all sincerely interested individuals. You can read about the Silver Elves in the book "Faery Craft" by Emily Carding.

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