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111 Tips to Get FREE Book Reviews: Best Strategies for Getting Lots of Great Reviews

From: Doris-Maria Heilmann


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To sell your books, you need reviews, and to get reviews, you need to sell more books…
But where to find reviewers, and how to approach them?
This valuable guide-book provides authors with more than 1,200 reviewer links, evenly spread throughout the book, at the end of each chapter. It will help self-publishers to learn about all aspects of finding, following, and networking with reviewers.
Many important steps, such as discovering which genre reviewers prefer and how to connect with them, how to get media reviews, or how to prepare professional ARC’s (advance review copies) are described in detail. Another topic is “How to Avoid Rookie Mistakes” when contacting book bloggers and reviewers.
And not to forget: how to write reviews yourself. Authors should not only request reviews from readers but also write a review of each book they finish!

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